Handheld Technology Software

End-to-End hardware + software packages

WINCITE Mobile Citation Writing Software

The Wincite Mobile software was established to specifically work with Wincite.net to provide quick and automated updating. The software for the handheld technology was designed to be menu driven to help the ease of operation. In the event the officer is unfamiliar with the options, he/she may scroll through the choices prior to making a decision. Prior to the officer issuing citation, there is a set up verification to include the time, date, name, badge number and default state abbreviation.

EZ Ticket Program, Street Sweeping Program

The EZ Ticket program was designed to add speed in the issuance of the citation. The similar fields are pre-entered to avoid additional selections by the officer. Through this type of programming the citation can be input and printed in less than 25 seconds. This will allow the officer to leave the location quicker. A street sweeping enforcement detail is a good example of how this program can assist the officer with repeat fields, using the same street and issuing the same violation.

Scoff Law File Import/Export

The scofflaw and other types of lists can be uploaded daily into the handhelds. The license number is checked against a table (list) to see if the vehicle has any special circumstances, such as; tow or boot, do not cite, previously cited that same day or previously warned. Units are capable of storing and displaying information, including a listing of habitual offenders, previously warned plates and additional license plates with information pertaining to them.

Photo Capability

Many of the ticket writers are equipped with high-resolution cameras and our software will automatically attach the photograph to the citation record upon syncing. The photo is uploaded to the citation management database and is easily retrievable and printed from any desktop (Internet required). Photographs are electronically stamped with location, date and time information. Additionally, an image of the original printed citation will also upload to Wincite.net for viewing and printing.

Tire Marking Program

The Tire Marking Program was designed to include a time limit marking feature that will automatically record marked time once the officer inputs a license number and location. The locations and license plates can be easily selected up from a searchable list that will show the elapsed time. This feature will provide the ability to track vehicle movement.

The application will also allow the user to set the program to 'remember' previously selected locations in order to safe time and effort. Marked times, elapsed times, and locations will automatically print if the officer selects to issue a citation.

Real-Time Sync to Phoenix Group with Daily Email Confirmations

The syncing functionality of the WINCITE MOBILE desktop can be programmed and configured to automatically upload all new citation data to Phoenix Group on an incremental basis. This provides both a level of control and increases individual handheld sync speeds in high volume environments.

2677 North Main Street, Suite 440

Santa Ana, California 92705

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Phone: (714) 460-7200

Fax: (714) 384-0151

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